
FUFF Vol.3 受賞結果発表

Congratulation, winners!

FETIFEST Hamburg & Copenhagen: Japan's Underground Film Festival successfully finished last night! We
had the biggest blast! German & Danish fans are the coolest/funniest audience ever seen before!
Thank you so much, German & Danish friends! And we're extremely thrilled to announce this year's
FETIFEST Award winners chosen by Sade Sato, the organizer/founder of FETIFEST!

FETIFEST 2017 the Best Film Award
winner: American Guinea Pig: The Song of Solomon (2017)
- directed by Stephen Biro
- staring Jessica Cameron

Special Award Selected by the founder, Sade Sato
winner: Suicide-forest
- directec by KG

Audience Award
winner: Dark Circus
- written and directed by Julia Ostertag

The trophy designed/manufactured by Tanaka Sakana Minoru
